(Above; from top left)
1: Viking, lifeboat launcher, 2: Attetion(sign), 3: Lifeboat station(sign),
4:Character, 5-6: Run! (cows), 7: Dial (Old phone),
8: X-ray vision, 9-10: Characters,
(from top left)
1-2: surreal/abstract, 3: Barbeque, 4: Fox doorknob,
5: Rose, 6: Caution (warning sign) 7: Boogie Berg,
8: WorkingMachine, 9: RadioactiveGuy, 10: Advertisement
(from top left) 1:C ontainer ship, 2: Water pump, 3-5: Portraits,
6: Caricature,7: Norwegian Moose (sign), 8-9: Portraits,
10: People, 11: (Questioning)Jesus? 12: Abstract,
13: Hear no evil see no evil speak no evil, 14: Mask
Testing some collaging, first year on illustration
Portraits of my family, I´m in the middle (woops)