Hey there. I'll add a bit more to this later on, whenever there's some extra time. Hah, hopefully this easter, after that it'll be full on working to finnish website and the portfolio for New York and our final year show. I definitely gonna have some time off not working, need a break from all this work. Will post my actual uni work later on, by hey, the website comes first right?! It's up and running already but I want to redesign a bit ans s.o, so stay tuned.. haha if anyone's listening. Ciao, happy easter anyways!
CONtinue THiS
(press it, it'll grow :p)


Some of these looks a bit messy, wasn't the best idea to sketch when hungover, woops!
What if... you were the boss...
Playing with type..
These sketchbooks is actually the first few that I been more free about. Experimenting a bit more, mixing media, collaging, painting, drawing and testing out some type. Hard keeping a sketchbook right now though, but will catch up on it when I can.
(We are all) CopyCats:
Well it doesnt show in the size I wanted but if you press on the images.. ;)
Passion for..