Cycling In London

"Lady Lowrida"

 "Coffe Time"

 "Smile with Style"

Cycling In London: AOI competition.

Designed business card


 Cards are ready to print after New York Trip,  unfortunately it wouldn't arrive
soon enough so I have to wait. But I will print out tearsheet to hand out. 
My website will hopefully be up this week, but just in case I have put
up few images on this blog for you.

Self Promotion for Quotes Book

'The World is a Playground' - Natalie Kocsis
Double page spread for University College Falmouth Illustrations Quotes Book

Collage Work Uni

 A mockup editorial about relationships and age gaps (the guardian weekly)  

A mockup editorial about relationships and birth order. (the guardian weekly)


A mockup editorial about relationship and forgiveness

Book Cover projext-x for a Dictionary of World Mythology, 
for children and adults.

"5ive" design for Quotes book.

Mock up editorials, about emissions of greenhouse gases.
Playing with simple printmaking, stencils and drawing.

"Rat Town".
Experimetning with printmaking for a book review.

Children's books

 A self developed story. 

 The Dad/Chef

 Double spread.


 A Norwegian folktale 'The Ashlad and his Good helpers'


"The Ears the Eyes the Arms and the Legs"
Double page spreads, 1 final, 2 roughs.


Life drawing and Characters

"Djembe Drums and Masks".
(Front cover for a information project about the African Djembe drum.)

"BlueEyed" / "Blåøyd"(NO)
Blind drawing/ Self portrait.

"Nuclear Reaction"

Project for a 'contemporary' pub/bar sign

Painted for an International Exhibition in 2009, 
at University College Falmouth.
I wanted to test and see if I actually cold paint 'properly', or detailed.

Lifedrawing/ Caricatures, 
had much fun during these classes:

"Rat Ma".
